Anonymous Mailer

I stated earlier that all the programs on this site were duds and were simply inactive examples. Well that's true...however...the program on this page is NOT a does work and I know I'm going to regret this...*S*, but I'm doing it at a friend's request to show how individuals or groups can send mail or spam without self detection and that IT IS possible to set up such a program within your homepage.

This is a single bounce remailer going through a site in the Netherlands. The recipient will not know the identity or location of the sender, and is vitually impossible to trace, however, when tight security is required and the sender demains additional protection from being traced...the messages are normally bounced a few times to various sites around the world and this makes it "impossible" to trace back to the source. Also the messages themselves are encrypted using anyone of several programs available such as PIdaho with PGP (stand for "pretty good privacy" believe it or not). This type of communication has been used by both individuals and government agencies over the years each for their own specific needs. One site in Finland was used extensively by the former ex-KGB (this is not classified information any more so don't sweet it *S*). This site in Finland is slightly different that the other remailers which, as a rule, can only be use to send mail...the recipient is not capable of responding to the sender. The site in Finland can be use as a two way require a coded number as does the other person...and with this the two parties can communicate without ever knowing who or where the other contact is...(it's real neat the way it I'm told...*S*)

So just for the fun of it...send a message to yourself and you'll see what they look like. It could take a few seconds to a few hours before you receive it...enjoy.

One word of WARNING...don't try and use this one on me...I'll know in five seconds that it's an anon remailer bounce...








