People say forgetting is a difficult thing to do
- Lloyd F. d'Entremont
Forgetting about a love which was sincere and true
Forgetting about the tenderness which was there from the start
But for me it's the remembering which is tearing my heart apart...
On the 29th day of August in the year of our Lord 1651 as a warm brisk wind blew over the south western coast of Nova Scotia, a tiny ship arriving from France sailed into Pombcoup harbour. At the command of this vessel was Charles de Sainte-Etienne de LaTour, Governor of Nova Scotia. With him were a number of colonists he had brought back to settle in this new land.
On shore, the hills with their virgin pines and hardwood looked down with all their grandeur and magnificence as if sentinels standing guard on these new arrivals.
Amongst the passengers was a nobleman, whom some say, de LaTour had known in his youth and whose ancestors had been connected with his own family. This gentleman was arriving as Charles de LaTours' new Major-General and Commander of the King's troops in Acadia and was later to become Lieutenant-Governor and King's Attorney for the Province. His name was Sieur Philippe Mieux d'Entremont and he was my ancestral grand-father...
- A Brief Look At Our History
- My Ancestral Links to Philippe Mius d'Entremont
- My Charles de LaTour "Connection"
- A Virtual Visit to "La Baie Sainte-Marie"
- Images From Clare - "The Hidden Treasures of Our Home"
- Census and Records
- Acadian War Veterans
- La Famille Stehelin de la Nouvelle France
- Blomidon - An Acadian Icon
- Articles and Stories
- Life of a Paramedic - Our Unsung Heros
- The Life of a Simple Acadian Boy
- The Cabin - a Friend and Family Fun Area
- "The Untold Story" - The Book
The Mystery of the Lost Twins of La Nouvelle France - I will be adding "some" information regarding the "mysterious lost Stehelin twins".
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